Hameed-Majeed-Associates (1)

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Hameed Majeed Associates (Pvt.) Ltd

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Create an environment to attract and retain the best talent Optimize cost and securitize energy through latest technology Serving the Customers to their satisfaction levels Ensuring that we are environment friendly & zero injury company CSR is our forte


An “Ittehad” of Pakistan’s best talent & technology that serves as a catalyst to deliver sustainable chemical products to its customers thus optimizing returns for investors.
Caustic soda 1

Caustic Soda usages

Caustic Soda is used in a wide variety of industrial applications. It is used as a reactant for the manufacturing of other sodium components, which themselves may be intermediate or end- use products, such as Sodium Hypochlorite, having its use as a household Bleach and Disinfectant and Sodium Phenolate, required for making antiseptics and for the manufacturing of Aspirin. It is used in the manufacturing process of Soaps and Surfactants used in soap powders and also in the Textile Industry to remove containments. As a bleach, it is used in the treatment of scoured cloth and to improve luster and dye absorption.

Core Values


Integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions.


The principles of ethical accountability aim to improve both the internal standard of individual and group conduct as well as external factors, such as sustainable economic and ecologic strategies

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Core Values


Integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions.


The principles of ethical accountability aim to improve both the internal standard of individual and group conduct as well as external factors, such as sustainable economic and ecologic strategies

Research And Development

At ICL, we firmly believe that applied R&D is the only way forward towards achieving optimization, conservation and economizing of our existing process conditions. It also opens door in new vistas for gaining diversity in our production line based on utilization of process waste as well as surplus streams.
R&D activity has always been a hallmark of ICL in all three phases of its existence namely

  1. Post commissioning (i.e.) the initial private era (1964-1971)
  2. The state enterprise era (1971 – 1995)
  3. The post privatizzation era (1995-todate)
About Us

Ittehad Chemicals Limited have 35+ears Of Experience

Our company is specialized in chemicals, developing and expanding practices and large formulation. A huge majority of industries, such as metals, textile, paper, leather, sugar, plastics, rubber, ceramics, glass, soap, fertilizers, beverages, edible oil, pharmaceutical. 

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