Phase 2

Phase 2 – State Enterprise Era (1971 – 1995)

During this era, products like Sodium Hypochlorite, Bleaching Earth and Zinc Sulphate were researched upon from lab scale abinitio, to pilot plant stage and ultimately to full scale activity which culminated in setting up prototype plants. From a few hundred kilograms per day during the initial period of development, the plants rose to capacities of 5 tons / day of Bleaching Earth and 20 tons /day of Sodium Hypo until privatization.
In order to utilize spent Sulphuric Acid from Chlorine Drying section, a pilot plant for the manufacturing of Alum from Bauxite was also established. However, due to constant research the use of spent acid was diverted to produce Zinc Sulphate from Zinc Ash.
Laboratory scale / pilot plant work was also done for the regeneration of Heat Transfer Salt, production of Zinc Chloride (liquid), Ferric Chloride and Calcium Chloride 72% all involving local equipment and expertise.
Another significant R&D achievement was the de-mercurization of Hydrochloric Acid. The later process was developed due to persistent demand of the neighboring gelatin factory for mercury free acid used in production of edible gelatin.

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